Plastics are ubiquitous in our modern day society. Realistically, plastics have become an essential commodity in a disposable economy; including, but not limited to, medical equipment, home insulation, Even the renewable energy industry relies heavily on the use of plastics; most solar modules photovoltaic solar cells are encapsulated in plastic on top of a plastic back sheet; offering protection from inclement weather and UV rays.
To achieve a maximum air tight, moisture resistant, closed building envelope the Tiny Off-Grid House will use nonpermeable “closed” cell spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation (R-value R6 - R7) and the Huberwood ZIP System® as whole house insulation and vapor barrier. Although mineral wool is a “sustainable” alternative, with only a R-Value of R3 - R4 it does not achieve the necessary R-Value performance needed.
The commercial benefits of plastics in society are not lost; however, the challenge is the responsible production and end-of-life management of plastics to prevent the pervasive plastic pollution impacting aquatic ecosystems and Human health.
For more information on house insulation please read: “Tiny Off-Grid House Insulation & Vapor Barrier”
Plastics are produced from fossil fuel oil, gas and coal through a petrochemical & energy intensive processes. With the inevitable decline in the use of oil, gas and coal for energy production the fossil fuel industry is promoting the use of single use plastics; along with polyester textiles Fast Fashion, as their economic life line. The global production of plastics contribute 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic production facilities, are often located in minority, low income which in the U.S. includes indigenous communities, where they release carcinogens in to the air. The population in these communities often have higher rates of asthma, cardiovascular disease, skin diseases and cancer . . . The harmful impacts of plastic pollution almost negates the essential functions it may serve in our society. When plastic, in whatever form it is manufactured to be shaped or molded in to, is not responsibly handled at its end-of-life it inevitably makes its way in to our aquatic ecosystems: Oceans, Rivers and Lakes . . . where it metamorphoses in to harmful macro & micro-plastics pollution. Macro plastics, in the form of discarded water bottles, plastic consumer products . . . litter Oceans, Shorelines, Beaches and Rivers.
According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), “every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastics are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes.” A 2021 Britannica oceanic study found that “44% of plastic debris in rivers and oceans, and on shorelines, were made up of bags, bottles, and items related to takeout meals.”
Microplastics and even tinier nanoplastics —less than 5mm in size— are some of the latter stages in plastics end-of-life story. However, the plastic deconstruction in to smaller and smaller sizes should not be confused with any biodegradable benefits since the nonbiodegradable plastics are only changing their molecular size and not its composition. Exposure to salt water and the suns UV rays hasten the release of Carbon emissions in the form of Methane & Acetylene from plastics. Sea creatures from zooplankton to fishes ingest these bright colored oddly shaped micro and nanoplastics leading to malnutrition and/or poisoning.
Plastics, are made of long chain polymer molecules that form interconnected linked compounds that can be shaped or molded through heat or pressure; respectively. Polymers are divided in to two categories: Thermoplastics, such as polyethylene and polystyrene, that have the ability of being remolded repeatedly. However, the second category Thermosets, like laminates, can not be easily reshaped after their initial heat molding process.
Most single use water / soda bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET); a known hormone disruptor. In addition, most plastic bottles cannot be economically recycled and are instead deposited in to landfills or incinerators; with a large percentage contributing to pollution of the aquatic ecosystem.
An UNEP report “Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy” predicts plastic pollution can be reduced by 80% through practices of Reducing the use of single use plastics by using: refillable portable water containers, reusable straws and by replacing single use plastic bags with reusable shopping bags. Recycling plastics at their end-of-life avoiding irresponsible disposal which would probably end-up in landfills, incinerators or the aquatic ecosystem.
It has been reported, that only 9% of the world’s plastics are recycled. This is not for want, but due to a lack of a proper structure that facilitates recycling; that is economically beneficial for everyone participating. Most plastics can be “economically” recycled. The recycling process for plastics involves inspecting and separating the plastics by resin type so they can be effectively processed. After sorting and washing the plastics are shredded then heated to make the plastic malleable so it can be processed into pellets. The pellets are a base that can be processed into new plastic products. However, thermoset plastics —20% of all plastics— must go through a special chemical intensive process since the molecules are not easily malleable when heated.
Reuse of plastics into new commercial products which eliminates the extraction and processing of fossil fuels needed to create these new products.
Some beverage companies like “Harmless Harvest” produce 100% recycled plastic (PET) bottles; excluding the cap & label, for their “Organic Coconut Water.” It takes 75% less energy to produce a new plastic bottle from recycled plastics.
Bioengineered plastic alternatives are being researched using cellulose nanocrystals from trees. Polyactic acid from corn, mycelium from mushrooms and the casein from milk can all be processed to produce biodegradable food packaging.
An example of a plastic alternative is “Sugar Bagasse”, which is a cellulose fibrous material once discarded as a waste byproduct of sugar cane production. Sugar cane, Saccharin Officinarum L. (Poaceae), is grown in more than 100 countries in tropical and temperate regions and accounts for 21% of the world’s agricultural production. The Bagasse is repurposed in to biodegradable foodservice trays, plates and utensils; while in the construction industry, the fibrous material is manufactured in to particle boards or building bricks. This agro-alternative to single use plastics has proven to be economical to produce and sustainable for the Earth.
In order to stem the tide of petroleum based single use plastics a social change has to be made in manufacturing and consumer habits. Although we are seeing some manufacturers make progressive efforts to change their manufacturing methods to accommodate more sustainable options for food packaging a lot more needs to be done. Our sustainable habits can impact the daily choices we make as consumers with the products we purchase that aligns with our values. Our choices to replace petroleum based single-use plastic food packing with: reusable glass food storage containers, bamboo utensils, the use of wax covered natural cloths for food wraps, reusable coffee cups; along with reducing the overall consumption of single use plastics has additional environmental and health benefits.
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